Centerlock vs. 6 Bolt Disk Brakes
For every biking enthusiast, it is important to know that the structure of the braking system determines the amount of power produced when braking. You must consider what attaches the brake rotor to the tire’s hub. Centerlock and 6 bolt disk brakes are good examples of equipment you can use in carrying out such activities.
Centerlock disk brakes use rotors that move at high speeds and can stop when you apply a force to the braking handle. You can install them within a short while, even if it is the first time you will be doing so. They are less bulky and you will prefer them if you are a constant cyclist. You need a special key to connect it to the hub and the bike’s brakes to enable it to function.
6 bolt disk brakes use rotors to enhance movement but when they attach to the hub, it will take you less time to stop the bike tire. This is when compared to the centerlock type that is more efficient in speed. It uses a complex method of installation that will make you take a lot of time handling it. You will fall in love with it if you like riding for short distances.
Conversion of a 6 bolt to a centerlock disk brake

Disk brakes create friction between a compressed pair of pads and a rotor using calipers. This action enables the shaft to stop rotating, bringing a vehicle or bicycle to a stop. This process occurs in a series from slowing down the motion of an axle until it reaches a point where it cannot move.
Installing the centerlock disk brake is a simple process. You will not have to try setting up 6 torques on the surface of the rotor. This is because it has its lock at the center point surrounded by metal made from steel. It has an inner ring that prevents it from bending. You can also replace the rotor when need be because it is easily removable.
The 6 bolt disk brake has a pair of rotors that prevent overheating and warping of your bike. You need to tighten the bolts to avoid uneven torque that leads to unequal brakes. The use of 6 bolts enables it to have many features that enhance how you brake.
A 6 bolt rotor is compatible with a centerlock disk brake once you combine their features. It can slide to the hubs at the tires, creating an interface for mounting.
This process needs you to secure it using quality equipment. Ensure you use a six-bolt washer, a circle clip, and a lockring to tighten it. This will keep it locked for long and you will not have the feel of using a ring with six bolts.
How to fit centerlock and Shimano disk brakes
Fitting disk rotors in the right manner helps in preventing the malfunctioning of your bike’s brakes. You need to carry this out in order and with precision to avoid getting in danger. Here are ways to help you fit and remove disk rotors.
Begin by checking the condition of other components affecting the functioning of your bike’s brake. Look out for the seating of the wheels, the rotor, and the barrel change, and tighten the cable. When all is clear and in place, you can start the process of fitting.
You start by making the caliper mounting bolts loose to allow it to float. Adjust the outer pad counterclockwise and back to a single revolution to give a chance for future repairs. Then begin turning the pad adjuster within clockwise to enable the pads to lock against the rotors.
Continue to snug the bolts meant for caliper mounting against the rotor to ensure it aligns with the caliper body. Do not tighten it too much but wait till the pad gets aligned. Complete by loosening the pad adjusters on the inside and outside in even proportions.
You should always aim at ensuring the caliper is parallel to the rotor and has equal openings on either side. Check for adequate lever grip by pulling, then releasing the brake lever a few times. A slow and adequate feel will confirm that everything is fine and you can stop the bike. Never forget to tighten the pinch and mounting bolts before trying out your ride.
The only difference between a centerlock and a 6 bolt disk brake is the method used to fit the rotors. They generally function in the same way, having to provide support to braking your bike. It is also easy for you to recreate the 6 block disk brake to a centerlock by following a set of guidelines. Ensure you pick on either of these sets, depending on the activities done with your bike.